Thursday, November 10, 2005

plus, a true story.

So, I got a land line for my apartment, right? So anyway, I picked a number that I thought would be really easy to remember (I won't divulge it for fear of more annoying people getting it, but let's just say it has a lot of 1's in a row) but turns out was used in the past by some hospital.

So, the last week or so, people have called pretty much every morning at about 7:30 asking if this is the ear nose and throat doctor, or, my personal favorite, if this was the gastro and urology wing of the hospital. I say to you people, screw you, let me sleep, you jerks.

Oh, people who call me early in the morning with a wrong number. You are idiots.


Unspar! said...

Moral of the story: land lines bad.

I shouldn't talk, though, cuz I'm gonna need one. Stupid telephone-based buzz entry systems....

christinesfakeblog said...

My R-field phone number was the national Kmart number, but without the 1-800. It was pretty annoying, especially when Kmart was having a sale, but I think you win.