Monday, November 21, 2005


Sometimes, Legends even lose their keys.

And then, sometimes, Legends, after tearing their entire apartment apart, find their keys underneath table cloths that Legends thought they had already checked.

And then, somtimes, Legends don't ever want to lose things again.


Anonymous said...

First it was a purse that you lost and now keys? They say the memory is the first to go.

Unspar! said...

You had a purse?

Unknown said...

a)It wasn't a purse, it was a wallet.
b)It wasn't mine, it was Brigitte's.
c)Somebody mailed her wallet back to her home and she got it back.
d)All of the above.

Anonymous said...

I cannot say that Waller's 'story' is true or not. I can say that was the story he gave me earlier this year.

Nathan said...

I almost just fired some cleaning ladies over some old shoes that I lost which I blamed on them. It was not my proudest moment.